Aitkin County Republicans

Rob Farnsworth
MN State Senate District 7
Visit Rob's Facebook

Spencer Igo 
MN House of Representatives District 7A

Visit Spencer's Facebook

undefinedNathan Wesenberg

MN State Senate District 10

Visit Nathan's Facebook


Ron Kresha 
MN House of Representatives District 10A

Visit Ron's Facebook

P.O. Box 331
Aitkin, MN 56431


Jennifer Cummings, Chair
 (218) 820-6752

Alicia Leiviska, Deputy Chair
(651) 206-7649

Dale Lueck, Secretary
(218) 927-2495

Sue Finney, Treasurer
(651) 253-8390‬

Monthly Meetings


Your neighborhood Republicans invite you to join us on the 2nd Monday of each month, at 7:00PM on the following dates, for our monthly meetings. We hold our meetings above the Eye Clinic at 312 Minnesota Avenue North in Aitkin. Best to go in the side door that reads:"312 Commerce Bidg." Then take the stairs or elevator to the 2nd floor. Turn left & go down the hallway to the end & turn right. We're the 2nd door on the right.
We look forward to seeing you there.

All interested citizens are welcome to attend.

February 10th, 2025

March 10th, 2025

April 14th, 2025

For map of HD10A/SD10 click HERE
For map of HD7A/SD7 click HERE

Upcoming Events:

Aitkin County Republican Convention Call. Delegates/Alternates.
February 15th, 2025
9am registration, 10am start at Northwoods Church, 810 2nd St. NW, Aitkin. $15.00 and includes a light lunch.

Donate to the Aitkin County Republicans below: 

We are REQUIRED to enter you occupation type: Example, Dentist, Retired Etc. Please use the "send note" to provide this information with your donation.

Donate to the Aitkin Republican Party

2025 Form PCR, Political Contribution Refund Application

PCR refunds are $75 per person or $150 per married couple. Learn more HERE!

Click here for the Constitution of the Aitkin County Republican Party

Find the 8th Congressional District Republicans at: 


Find the Republican Party of Minnesota at: 



    Prepared and paid for by the Aitkin County Republicans, P.O. Box 331, Aitkin, MN 56431